How Content Marketing Can Benefit Your Business

Getting your business to rank organically is all about SEO and content marketing. When you combine best SEO practices with a clever content marketing strategy, it will quickly become difficult for competitors to outrank you for your top keywords. Better yet, you won’t even have to pay for it.

Before we go through the benefits of content marketing in depth, there’s an essential question to answer...

What is Content Marketing?

Though it’s discussed constantly in the digital marketing world, there’s still some confusion about what content marketing means. Let’s clear that up.

Content marketing means creating and sharing valuable content for free to attract visitors to your website, with the goal of converting visitors into customers and customers into patrons. It’s using blogs, podcasts, video, and social media sites to attract attention, likes, shares and (most importantly) conversions.

Your content should be complementary to your product. In this way, your content educates visitors, creating trust. The more they trust you, the more likely they are to buy what you sell.

Now that we have a basic idea about what content marketing is and what it does, it begs another question...

How Does Content Marketing Increase Conversions?

Increased Brand Awareness and Fans

In the content marketing world, what you create is far more important than how you market it. Great content is what drives site visits and other key metrics. Content marketing helps you optimize it, amplifying your online presence for the audience most likely to buy your product.

Getting a foothold for your business in social media channels is difficult. Content marketing helps create traction by using relevant and compelling content that asks to be shared. Posting intriguing content also helps you gain followers on your brand’s social media accounts.

Free Advertising on Search Engines and Social Media

When done right, content marketing supplements your paid ads and can even replacement completely--for free. Google loves great content. Once it’s written, shared, and starts ranking well, the work is essentially done. The only thing that content marketing costs is the time it takes to write and share it.

By increasing your visibility on search engines and social media sites, it continually brings traffic to your site without any additional work or money required.

Whether its a video on YouTube, a blog on Google, or a social media post on Facebook, a great piece of content will garner more views and clicks than some of the most expensive advertisements.

Convert Prospects into Customers

At the end of the day, the ultimate goal of content marketing is the same as all other forms of marketing: to drive sales. All good pieces of content include a call-to-action. When done deftly, it can be difficult for prospects to resist subscribing, scheduling, calling, or buying.

This isn’t the same thing as simply placing an ad on your content. Engaging content provides a simple, valuable answer to a visitor’s question, with a more thorough answer available via the call-to-action. When done masterfully, content marketing is a sales funnel elegantly dressed in a story that visitors can’t stop reading.

Why You Need a Dedicated Content Marketing Specialist

Content marketing, in theory, is simple. Planning and carrying out a successful content marketing strategy, however, requires years of practice and perseverance. At Geek Powered Studios, we have content marketing strategists who specialize in coming up with social media and content marketing ideas for growing your business.

Our SEO and content marking services have helped dozens of clients gain fans and organically rank for competitive keywords. Reach out to us today to accelerate your company’s growth.

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